Des hommes qui dansent
Voyage dansé aux sources du hip-hop, de la capoeira et de la danse burkinabé
Dance trip to the sources of hip-hop, capoeira and dance in Burkina Faso
Voyage dansé aux sources du hip-hop, de la capoeira et de la danse burkinabé
Dance trip to the sources of hip-hop, capoeira and dance in Burkina Faso
Convoquer ici quelques traits d'une histoire de danses d'hommes et de femmes pour qui la pratique relevait de la nécessité.
Parcourir certains aspects sociaux, culturels, vestimentaires, musicaux des ces danses dites de rue de la Californie au Brésil en passant par le Bronx et l'Afrique.
Poser la question d'héritage artistique, de filiation, de patrimoine, de transmission, de création, de tout ce qui rend vivant une danse et la remplit de sens.
Educational travel from California to Brazil via the Bronx and Africa through some of the so-called street dances.
Hervé Koubi, accompanied by dancers, summarizes some features of a history in which the social, cultural, clothing and musical aspects have built, nurtured, accompanied or trained the dances of men and women for whom the practice was necessity.
Here is a question of artistic heritage, filiation, heritage, transmission, creation of all that makes living a dance and filled with meaning. It is also about sharing, sharing with the public invited also to discover in theory and practice locking, popping, break dance, capoeira angola or bobodon.